Monday, September 12, 2011

Catching Up

May 29, 2011
I went to my first Area Conference. President Cook let me attend. I got to see my members from San Juan Capistrano. All of them were surprised at seeing me there. I had the privilege to attend the San Diego Temple. I loved it and wished to stay there. I felt the Spirit so strong. On May 27th I attended a zone conference in Oceanside. We listened to a talk given at the MTC by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland in January 2011. I am very grateful we have leaders that guide us and the priesthood is on the earth. The Book of Mormon should be delightful to us, and we should be willing to share it with everyone. We had a baptism on May 28th. It felt awesome. We sang Asembro me da Hymn #118 ("I Stand All Amazed"). I love my Redeemer Jesus Christ! I am six months out this month; five months in the mission field. It's been a great blessing, privilege, and a rewarding challenge.

June 28, 2011
I love it when people who are my friends encourage me to be a good missionary. It has not been easy like I thought, but it is completely worth it. I am trying to be the best example to everyone especially my sibling and members from the church. Actually it is when I have felt very sad Heavenly Father has sent me to someone who he wants me to help. On June 22nd, we got an unexpected call that said my new companion and I were leaving our apartment. I had my MTC companion for a week not we are a Trio. I am now at my 4th apartment and 5th companion.

July 5, 2011
I moved to a new apartment. Emergency transfer. So now I am a Trio since a week and a half. It's been great. The two sisters are awesome. We have two areas. We are mostly at Oceanside then Carlsbad. This week we got interviews with President Cook. I love that he knows how to listen and makes me realize I am doing a good job.

July 12, 2011
When you are serving the Lord you have peace, joy and I feel love. My companions are Hnas Hamilton and Russell. The Book of Mormon is delightful. Every day I get the chance to learn something new. Transfers are coming up on July 26th. Serving the Lord is a privilege; brings me joy and I know I would not trade it for anything even when it is hard.