Friday, February 3, 2012

November 2011

November 8
I was at the San Diego Temple. I love it!

November 9
Zone Conference. Missionaries sang to other missionaries and I was one of them. Also, they taught us how to fill our walles in order to help more people.

November 11
Family Home Evening. My companions and I taught how to study the scriptures to recent converts, investigators and members.

November 12
We were invited to a Young Women value program to teach the value of good works. The YW love it and I also learned to budget my money.

November 17
We had a baptism. Four investigators were present. Two of my other companions came: Hna Osborne and Hna Barnes.

November 18
Thanksgiving party/dinner.

November 24
My trainer came to visit. She was very happy because we are doing a good job at Vista, California.

November 26
Transfer calls all day. I was wondering what's gonna happen? And the call comes from our leader who told us "You both are staying," but he made it seem like I was leaving.

November 27
All day at church because the Elder's had a baptism, and our investigator wanted to stay at church. I felt it's time to check the phone and so I realize the assistants had called us. We listened to the voicemail and "Hey, sisters none of you are getting transfers but we need you to come to transfer meeting to pick up your new companion." We were very surprised.

November 29
We had the easiest transfer meeting. No luggage/no worries. I received five cartas (letters from home) from my friends.