Friday, June 8, 2012

"The Mission is a Life Changing Experience!"

5 June 2012

I'm about to end my mission as you know. Lots of things are happening. Elder Ortiz (my brother)got home on May 2nd and I'll be arriving at Arizona on June 27, 2012. Happy Mother's Day. There was a huge party down here. May 15th - transfers - I love it. New hermana as my companion. May 23 - our last zone conference. May 30 - Ariel's (another brother) birthday. Baptism interviews for our investigators. June 3 - I said hasta luego a los miembros en San Marcos (I said goodbye to the members in San Marcos). I still can't believe I am done soon. I love being a sister missionary. It's one of the best things ever! Of course, there have been hard times but siempre hoy (always today) blessings! Changes keep happening in my life. I'll be moving to Utah. I am going to miss my people from Arizona. Yuma, Arizona has been and will always be a part of my life. Friends, I will call and visit. Life, it's amazing! I don't quite understand what's going on but it will all work out. I can't wait to see you all. The mission is a life changing experience. It takes a week to get mail. If you want to write me, do it soon, my time is almost up.

P.S. Be happy. Missionaries are the best. Voy a disfrutar (I am going to enjoy) my last 2 weeks. Miracles keep happening.

Catching Up in 2012

December 2011